May 16, 2017 • Apartment
A Micro Apartment from New York City by MKA

Given a modern revamp by the architecture firm MKCA, this tiny apartment from New York City makes use of multifunctional living spaces and furniture pieces.
The micro-apartment is made up of just three rooms: an entryway, a main room and a bathroom. MKCA made use of hide-away features in order to capitalize on the available space.
The unit contains just 215.28-square-feet (20-square-meters). One wall of the apartment is dedicated to storage, and has a custom-built cabinet that runs the length of the property. It’s used for storing both personal belongings and items used for changing the function of the room.
The entrance hallway, which is also lined with cabinets, leads directly into the apartments main room. This room serves as a living room, kitchen, dining area, study and bedroom. The small space is able to serve all these functions through a series of smart design decisions and hide-away furniture pieces.
A study area that doubles as a work station can be pulled out from the cabinetry. Another panel can be pulled down to create a dining area, or a cupboard door can be opened to reveal a TV. The bed is stored vertically and, like a Murphy bed, can be lowered as and when needed.
The majority of the property has been finished in light colors, bar the kitchen. It’s the only area to have been finished in dark tones. It’s not much larger than a kitchenette, but it does take full advantage of the vertical headroom – the wall cabinets extend up to the ceiling.
The bathroom, which is finished in white and black, flanks the entrance. It comes complete with its own walk-in glass enclosed shower.
For more apartments check out AV Loft, a contemporary apartment redesign from Serbia. Or, this old Taiwanese home that gets a facelift by JR Architects. See all apartments.
Via Contemporist
Photos: Alan Tansey
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