Feb 16, 2015 • Beach Hut
A Stilted Small Beach House in Italy by Studio Zero85

This stilted beach house in Italy has been designed by the firm Studio Zero85. Set along the Italian coastline in the city of Pescara, the beach house has been named “Trabocco” – a name given to the area’s old fishing machine structures.
Trabocco consists of a simple gable structure that’s been elevated on a steel jetty. The dwelling is around 15-by-33 square feet (4.5-by-10 meters) in size and features a rather expansive exterior deck that follows the side and front of the building.
Perched on 8 slender, and not-quite-vertical columns, the building looks rather precarious. At first it’s not obvious how the structure is braced, but on closer inspection there are several steel cables providing tensile resistance to wind loads.
The exterior is clad in a mix of what looks to be timber siding and a red render. There are few windows apart from the end facing the coast, and over the kitchen sink. The interior is finished simply with wood and white walls.
The main open plan living area doesn’t contain any partitions to divide up the space. A single bed is set on one side of the room with two chairs and a small coffee table on the other, forming a bedroom and living room with no barrier between the two.
The large double glazed patio doors provide views out over the coastline, and also help to draw in natural light to brighten the front-end of the house. The back end of the house contains the more mechanical areas of the home, including a small kitchen and the bathroom.
For more beach houses and beach huts check out this lofted retreat by architecture firm Clare Cousins. Or this tiny beach chalet by Studio Mamas. See all beach huts.
Via DesignBoom
Photos: Sergio Camplone
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