Set in Brooklyn, New York, this small apartment has been given a bright and airy makeover. The property was originally part of an industrial complex, with aspects of its past-use still on display.
The architecture firm, New Affiliates, took on the challenge of revamping the apartment. The project was completed in 2017, and was lead by designers Jaffer Kolb, and Ivi Diamantopoulou.
Simply titled “Bed Study Loft”, the property has a floor plan measuring 750-square-feet (69.67-square-meters), which is loosely divided up into a series of flowing living spaces.
The interior redesign saw the introduction of a new color palette and materials, some of which have been left bare and unfinished looking. The unfinished and exposed materials hark back to the properties original industrial usage. You’ll find steel, plywood, and mesh screens.
Copper piping hangs from the ceiling and drops down to plumb the various fixtures and fittings. The white walls have been decorated with an assortment of artwork, bookshelves, and feature shelves. That, combined with the mix of furniture, leads to a rather eclectic interior.
Bed Study Loft features a main level and a mezzanine. The main floor is occupied by a living room to the front that’s lit by a series of large windows. The living room flows directly into the dining area and kitchen. Beyond the kitchen, you’ll find the study (placed under the mezzanine), along with the bathroom.
The mezzanine is used as a bedroom, with nothing much other than a few plants, the bed, and some storage closets. The metal mesh helps form a minor visual barrier between the between and the room below. It receives plenty of natural light, while also acting as a safety and visual barrier.
For more apartments check out Jose Caldas’s small apartment that’s been designed for experimental architecture. Or, this restoration project by A53 from the city of Barcelona. See all apartments.
Photos © Michael Vahrenwald