Bungalows – Contemporary Cabins in Romania by BLIPSZ

This series of contemporary cabins have been built for a client based in Odorheiu Secuiesc, Romania. The design of the cabins was carried out by the firm BLIPSZ, who were also responsible for the projects overall delivery. The houses were completed back in 2013 and now serve as holiday homes.


Bungalows - BLIPSZ - Romania - Exterior - Humble Homes

Simply dubbed Bungalows, the project consist of four dwellings set on a 2,055 square foot site (191 square meters). The exact size of each cabin isn’t stated but from looking at the floor plans you can see they’re pretty compact, and probably measure around 230 square feet each (21.3 square meters).


Bungalows - BLIPSZ - Romania - Living Area - Humble Homes

The cabins were designed to cater for a group of friends or a family and feature an L-shaped living area on the first floor with a kitchen, dining area and living room. A section in the corner is partitioned off to form the bathroom, complete with a walk-in shower.


Bungalows - BLIPSZ - Romania - Lofted Bedroom - Humble Homes

The upper level contains an attic space with enough room for a double and a single bed (although two double beds can be accommodated according to the architects). The sleeping space is placed to the rear of the cabins, while the front end (above the kitchen and dining area) has been left open to the lofted ceiling above.

Bungalows - BLIPSZ - Romania - Exterior Dusk - Humble Homes

To introduce as much light as possible between the loft and first floor, solid partitions were avoided. Instead they used a barrier made of rope and knots. To save on space a scissor staircase with open treads has been installed, reducing its overall length.

Bungalows - BLIPSZ - Romania - Floor Plans - Humble Homes

Given each cabin’s close proximity to the adjacent units, windows have been kept quite small. They’re lit by a series of boxy windows that have been carefully positioned so as to try and maintain the occupants privacy while also providing enough natural light. From the architects: “The bungalow’s position and the openings layout could seem arbitrary at first glance but they follow the logics of the viewing perspectives and the not so favorable sun orientation imposed by the site.”

For more Cabins check out this property that’s set among the woods of Norway. Or, Tye Haus – a cozy A-frame cabin in Skyomish. See all cabins.

Via ArchDaily
Photos: Márton Biro

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.

1 Comment
  1. I like it but would have like more pictures especially for kitchen and bathroom areas. Was there railing on both sides of the stairs?