A 484-Square-Foot Apartment from Bordeaux by Atelier Miel

This tiny apartment can be found in the historical city of Bordeaux, France. Set in an old apartment block, the apartment features high ceilings and tall windows, coupled with a small footprint that lead to some inventive interior design.


The interior revamp was carried out by Elodie Gaschard and Michaël Martins Alfonso of Atelier Miel. Together they’ve produced a small home that makes great use of storage and flexibility in living spaces.



The client asked the designers to incorporate a number of spaces and rooms into their apartment. Given they only had 484 square feet (45 square meters) to work with, it involved some creative thinking. However, fundamental concerns were already addressed: its tall ceilings and windows helped bring in plenty of natural light, improving the sense of spaciousness.



To make best use of the space, they opted for custom-built furniture and storage pieces. The living room is kitted out with a funky storage/bookshelf system. The unit also accommodates a study desk that can be pulled out and rotated for use as a dining table. Below, there’s a series of pull-out compartments along the base providing yet more storage.


The kitchen seems to be a simple affair, with a cook-top, sink and (presumably) an under-counter refrigerator. The wall cabinets appear to float above the kitchen counter thanks to its concealed supports, which match the black counter-top. It also helps to maintain a degree of openness between the kitchen and the adjacent entrance hallway.


The hallway features another custom built-in unit. This time it’s a storage/staircase with plenty of pull-out drawers, cupboards and shelves. The apartment has two levels and the stairs lead up to the bedroom and bathroom, both of which are kitted out in a similar fashion to the kitchen, living room and study found below.


Smart design combined with good materials and workmanship make for a home that’s both space-efficient and cozy.

For more apartments check out Maciej Kawecki’s 400 square foot home that doubles as a studio. Or, Studiomama’s 140 square foot apartment from Viaduct London. See all apartments.

Via TreeHugger
Photos: Atelier Miel

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.

  1. Interesting wash basin. Bit hard to get a sense of the apartment as whole.

    Must say I really love the garage conversion in Bordeaux which has been featured here in the past. Makes excellent use of space and feels sooooo big. Unlike what we are seeing here, and that could be just a result of the pictures shown. Different pictures and perspectives could possibly show it in a better light… by Niall has to work with what he is able to access.

    Thanks for all you gems Niall… much appreciated here down under.

    1. No problem :) there’s always the “via” link for more pictures too! Just a shame there wasn’t a floor plan for this one – it’d make things a good bit clearer.

  2. Oh Yes, I always use the links, unless there is something I really don’t want to look at. Which is very rare.

    I’m amazed at how many people who ask a question which is either answered in the descriptive text about a place or through information gained from a supplied link.

    Especially common from people visiting tinyhousetalk.com.

    And often pictures via links are bigger, or brighter, or clearer too. Sometimes all 3. But that’s fine because they don’t have to pay for oodles of traffic, whereas you Niall, and Alex Pino I suppose do. What I’d call being hoist by your own petard by your success. (I think that’s the right way to describe it)