Porches and Plans for the Future

So we heard you like porches.


Here at Humble Homes we’ve been working away as diligently as ever. But we thought maybe you’d like an update on what exactly it is we’ve been up to lately. We plan on releasing several versions of our ‘standard’ homes (the ones that are currently on sale). These different versions will include things like porches, skylights, and dormers, and to give you a bit of a taste of things to come we’ve even got images below of the Humblebee, Berneil and PB-63 with their respective porches! We hope you like ’em.

What we’re basically trying to do is to give you modified versions of the plans so you don’t have to pay the price for an architect, or engineer (or us!) to customise them for you. Granted, we’re not going to be able to meet everyone’s expectations and dream home plans, but maybe it will at least be somewhat closer to that dream home; reducing the amount of customisation required (not to mention your expenses!).


These ‘add-on’ versions of the plans will be slightly more expensive but we’ll stick with our super-low prices, so they’ll still be 90%+ cheaper than the majority of plans on the net! Honestly, we’re just too good to you.

P.S. The house plan giveaway is still ongoing – if you haven’t liked us on facebook, or followed us on twitter you’re missing out! Check out our previous blog post for more details.


Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.