Woon Pioniers Aim to Create a Modular Home for Everyone

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The architecture firm Woon Pooniers are responsible for the design of small small timber home, which they refer to as a cross between a product and architecture.



The project, dubbed Indigo, is geared towards exploring the possibilities of a mass-produced, and mass-customized, building. It’s modular form would allow for simplified construction and customization to suit each customer.


This project explores how “mass-customized” ecological building could provide healthier homes for all of us, while avoiding one-size-fits-all solutions. – Woon Pioniers


The example home pictured covers an area of 861.11-square-meters (80-square-meters), however with its modular form, you could easily create a much larger abode.



Clients are invited to be active participants in the design process, giving them to opportunity to customize the building to meet the needs of their lifestyle.

Indigo exists of pre-fabricated, bio-based elements, which can be installed on location within one day. In these pre-fabricated elements, the curved connections between wall and roof are moment resistant. – Woon Pioniers


The first floor of this model is split into two areas – a studio space and living quarters. The first half of the building contains an open living living area, complete with a kitchen and space for dining. The toilet and bathroom can be found in the enclosed section, placed at the center of the home.

A staircase in the living area takes you up to the second floor, which is reserved entirely for the bedroom (complete with plenty of storage units).


The sides of the building contain no windows, spare for a roof light over the bedroom. Instead they’ve opted to glaze the front and back gables in their entirety, drawing in more than enough light to brighten the whole home. It’s particularly effective here, because the house is largely open plan.

All facilities are organized in a central furniture piece, allowing both the living- and the working space to be next to the completely transparent facade. – Woon Pioniers


Photos © Henny van Belkom

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.

1 Comment
  1. Hi there,
    I am currently in the process of looking thru options of either buying a tiny house or small house to be built.
    I came across this website through the Nz geographic magazine. I am interested to find out more of what you do and if Dunedin is too far away for you to build/ design for?