Aug 16, 2013 • Announcement
Welcome to a Brand Spanking New Humble Homes

It’s been several months in the making but the new Humble Homes website is now up and running! I decided to do a complete overhaul of the website after it (slowly) dawned on me that Humble Homes looked like something from the 90’s. It was slow, clunky, and generally not all that nice to browse through. And so, three months ago I set out to create a new website which would address these problems.
Hopefully on this version you’ll experience faster load times, and easier navigation between articles and pages. As part of this revamp, Humble Homes will also be broadening it’s interests – we’ll be featuring more articles related to the (all encompassing) spectrum of sustainability, from green living, renewable technologies, and minimalist lifestyles to permaculture, new developments and research. After all, sustainability is the main reason I’m interested in tiny houses. You’ll find a summary of the main changes below.
What’s New
You can now purchase framing plans for the majority of our tiny houses (soon to be all of them). The framing plans cost less than a full set of plans and contain the details necessary to build the shell of the home. It’s a good option if you like the overall look of a home, but aren’t all that taken with the interior floor plan.
It’s also now possible to order a set of printed tiny house plans. Previously you had to contact us and request a set of printed plans, but not any more! (However, unless it’s really necessary we would encourage people to go with the downloadable plans – it can save paper, ink, money, and not too mention carbon emissions due to transportation.) Our tiny house plans pages have also had a facelift.
Our newsletter is being revamped and you can now sign up to for updates on a daily or weekly basis. You can also subscribe to receive notices of any sales/freebies we decide to throw. Oh the options. P.S. subscribing to Humble Homes also gets you access to our free tiny house study plans, which can be downloaded from the members only area.
In the comments section, we’ve gotten rid of DISQUS and gone with the standard comment form layout. If you want your picture to appear in the comments you need to have an account with Gravatar. You can sign up for a free Gravatar account here. Gravatar will allow you to display your picture and info on a huge number of websites, not just ours!
You’ll also notice that are very few ads on Humble Homes now. I decided to drastically reduce the amount of ads we feature, because they’re usually an eyesore and disrupt the content. I may look into incorporating small, selective ads that are in keeping with our content and ethos in the future, but they will have a minimal impact.
That just about wraps up the main changes. Of course there have been a million smaller changes, but I’ll not bore you with the details. Whether you follow us for our articles and posts, or because you like our tiny house plans, feel free to leave your own suggestions on any features, or changes which you think we should implement on the site. Humble Homes is your tiny house company.
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