This tiny house has been created by the Barcelona-based design studio NOEM. The house is prefabricated off-site and when deployed it’s powered by a series of solar panels mounted on its roof. It’s been dubbed “Studio GO” by the designers due to its portability.
The bulk of the structure was completed in a factory with the initial design process taking 5 weeks, and the prefabrication process taking 10. The result of their endeavours is a tiny 312 square foot (29 square meter) home with a minimal environmental footprint.
Installation on site took even less time; about a day-and-a-half. Studio GO comes in two parts: a 248 square foot (23 square meter) module called SPACE that holds the living areas, and a much smaller, 64 square foot (5.9 square meters), HUB module that contains the home’s mechanical systems.
Both units can be shipped using a single truck, and the structure is lightweight enough to avoid needing a deep foundation. Studio GO is clad with light wood both inside and out, and makes use of floor-to-ceiling windows to ensure that the interior is a bright space with plenty of outward views.
The furniture and fixings feature contemporary round-edge framing that mimics the exterior appearance of the house. I haven’t come across a floor plan (yet) but, based on the pictures, it looks like it contains a kitchen, dining area, bathroom and possibly a living/sleeping area.
According to the architects energy efficiency was high on their agenda when designing the unit: “We achieved our objective of limiting energy demand to 15 kW per square meter a year for heating. [Studio GO also] saves up to 90% of energy consumption compared to conventional buildings of the same size.”
For more tiny houses check out the Escape Traveler, a tiny house on wheels that sleeps up to 6. Or, the Wohnwagon, an eco-friendly tiny house from Austria. See all tiny houses.
Hi, I like it and I do believe that it would be great as a Fema trailer especially after a damage from a Hurricane or a tornado here in the US or around the world. Can it be put on concrete blocks if want it off the ground or if you want to travel with it as a rv or a traveling trailer with wheels or does it need a flatbed truck for transportation? Can it also support a full size frig/freezer?