Sigurd Larson and Michelberger Create a House within an Apartment in Berlin

Conceived as a house within a room, this apartment has been designed in a collaborative effort between the Danish architect Sigurd Larsen, and the Michelberger Team.


The playful room is available for long and short term stays, and can be found listed under the hotel category of “hideout”. The apartment is based in Warschauer Street in Berlin, Germany.

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The project was completed back in 2015, and saw the overhauling of a 538.19-square-foot (50-square-meter) property. The playful redesign makes use of a central unit, the “house”, to house several of the apartments rooms and functions.

Other living spaces are also scattered around the perimeter of the apartment. The ground floor of the house itself contains the master bedroom, single galley kitchen, toilet, and a sauna. As if that wasn’t enough, it also manages to squeeze in a second sleeping space and a netted hangout on the upper level.


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Only the toilet is contained with in a room; other functions typically contained in a bathroom have been placed out in the open. The bath is set next to the living area, followed by an open rain shower.

The entrance leads directly into an area that’s dedicated to dining. Going in a clockwise direction around the periphery, you’ll then come across the kitchen, a study area, the shower, bathroom and finally the living room.

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From the architect: “Elements of a playhouse speak to the guest’s childish side. But the house is kept pure and sharp to take this imaginative game of play into an adult mind.”

For more retreats check out Room and Ficus, a contemporary getaway overlooking the city of San Jose. Or, Chronos House, a family holiday home from Buenos Aires. See all retreats.

Photos © Rita Lino, James Pfaff

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.

  1. The only thing I do not like is the no paint on the walls of the bedroom. Depressing.

  2. It’s more the lack of a definitive colour. Bland white pine plywood simply sucks from a design perspective. Yet if it is coated or oiled it becomes an altogether different colour which lifts it out of the colourless mire.