Parisian Apartment Features a Suspended Bedroom by ECDM

Called Valentin Apartment, this modern all-white property features a unique space-saving solution that takes advantage of the building’s high ceilings. The apartment was redesigned by Emmanuel Combarel and Dominique Marrec of local architecture firm ECDM.


Valentin Apartment - ECDM - Paris - Interior - Humble Homes

The apartment is set in Paris. Given its history and high density, Paris is home to plenty of tiny and small apartments with traditional room proportions – they usually cover a small floor area, but feature tall ceilings.


Valentin Apartment - ECDM - Paris - Bedroom - Humble Homes

High ceilings were originally employed to introduce more light and promote air circulation. Nowadays the vertical space is being used by designers to improve on the usability of homes. In this case they’ve managed to hang a sleeping space.


Valentin Apartment - ECDM - Paris - Living Area - Humble Homes

The bedroom is contained in a suspended white cube. Internally it’s a steel structure that’s fastened the existing building. The steel was then covered with wooden panels and coated in a white polyurethane resin. The apartment’s ceiling height doesn’t allow for an extra floor to be inserted, but the reduced height bedroom works quite well.

Valentin Apartment - ECDM - Paris - Cross Section - Humble Homes

Set in the center of the apartment, the bedroom acts as a divider between the living room below, and the kitchen and dining area above. By leaving a gap between itself and the floor it manages to maintain a connection between the two areas (and help maintain light levels).

For more small apartments check out the hi-tech Closet House. Or, how San Francisco approved the development of 220 square foot micro-apartments. See all apartments.

Via Contemporist
Photos: ECDM

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.