Feb 24, 2014 • Prefab
HARWYN Pods – A Modular Garden Space by Jason Fremder

Jason Fremder, a designer based in Melbourne, created the Harwyn pod after failing to find a suitable work studio that met his needs – peace and quiet. Fuelled by the lack options, Fremder set to work on his own personal workspace that could be used as a garden office and as a recreational space.
To create the pod, Fremder enlisted the help of his father-in-law and architect, Selwyn Blackstone. Together they created the tiny but stylish Harwyn pod. The pod is a prefabricated structure which can be assembled on located in less than 5 hours.
The creative duo took inspiration from the mechanical strength and protection often found in luxurious European cars. The pods are feature an ACM exterior finish, which gives them their shimmering appearance. The Harwyn pod arrives at your chosen site already kitted out with your specified electrical equipment and furniture – a desk, cabinets, adjustable shelving.
The pods come in three types; the Prestige, Professional and Luxury. Each pod type comes with its own customer features like LED lighting, a TV, remote control blinds, or even a state-of-the-art sound system. The pods occupy a space of 2.5 meters by 2.5 meters, allowing them to be placed just about anywhere.
Energy efficiency was also a concern to Fremder and Slewyn, and the Harwyn pods are designed to exceed the energy rating of most domestic and commercial developments. The pods contain two layers of protection against the Australian sun – an external skin that acts the first line of defence against solar radiation. The second layer consists of a heavily insulated structural panel.
For more prefabricated spaces check out the MINIMOD, an off-grid retreat by MAPA Architects. Or this modern prefab house called Moonriver that’s been designed by Hanagar Design Group. See all prefab.
Via Inhabitat
Photos: HARWYN Pods
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