Small House with an Industrial Interior

Today’s small house is from Toronto, and is located in a neighbourhood known as ‘Tiny Town’. The house sits on a narrow lot measuring 14 foot by 70 foot, with the home itself having a footprint of 566 square foot. The lot’s previous home had been converted into a drug lab and was subsequently condemned and demolished, making way for this new, modern home.


Small House on a Budget

The house was designed by LineBox Studio, and was built using inexpensive and recycled materials to help reduce costs. The main steel structure of the home can be seen throughout, with exposed heating ducts and plumbing giving the home a very industrial feel.


To enhance the perception of space the designers at LineBox included a vaulted ceiling to the roof and large windows which are orientated to take advantage of natural daylighting and ventilation. The floors are poured concrete and the walls are made of concrete block or painted drywall without baseboards.

Small House on a Budget


Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Small House on a Budget

Via LineBox Studio

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.

  1. Very nice looking! I’m sure it is a landmark for the neighborhood as in ” yeh, once you turn onto my street is it the one just past the modern looking house on the right”.

  2. i am very impressed by the chic pompidou centre expressions, but had trouble finding the bedroom; most tiny houses proudly display a king/queen/double bed, but this one doesnt, not that i could see anyway.

  3. I totally love the industrial design and wondered, is there a solar panel or two? Also, what type of toilet is there? Flushing I hope!

    What source are you using for water? Rain fall collection? And, are you using butane for the cooking?