Fram Arquitectos Create a Vernacular Family Home in Argentina

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Fram Arquitectos were responsible for the design of this single story home in Argentina. The house can be found in Dique Luján, in a wooded residential area.



The project, which was titled Dique Luján House after it’s location, was completed in 2018. The house now stands as an unusual addition to a traditional neighborhood.



The long and narrow home spreads out over an area of 1076.39-square-feet (100-square-meters). The house features an expansive wooden deck to the front that’s sheltered by the large roof overhang.


[We located] the house in relation to its environment; both horizontally, respecting and incorporating the existing vegetation, as well as vertically, locating the floor level above the flood level. – Fram Arquitectos


The exterior deck gives way to the interior living spaces aligned to the front of the house. Large windows and patio doors are scattered along the length of the building.

Social areas are generally found along the front wall with the more private or utility space found to the back. The right-hand-side of Dique Luján House is concerned with the master bedroom and en-suite.

A longitudinal circulation in which instances of storage, distribution and arrival occur, makes the boundary between smaller and larger rooms while coinciding with the position of the ridge. – Fram Arquitectos


Beyond the master bedroom, a small corridor takes you through to the kitchen and dining area. The open plan layout flows on to the living room. The far left of the home is occupied by a small study and a guest bed.

A succession of wooden structural frames are placed on the beams. They delimit both the interior and exterior spaces, being at the same time a supporting and spatial structure. – Fram Arqutiectos


Photos © Fernando Schapochnik

Niall Burke

Structural engineer by day, tiny house designer by night. Niall has a keen interest in small spaces, green design, and sustainability. He started developing Humble Homes while studying for his masters degree in engineering. He is the founder and managing editor of Humble Homes.