Created by dmA Architecten, and appropriately named Blob, this unusual tiny space was originally designed to function as a home office. The standalone structure was conceived for a client whose local building regulations prevented the construction of a modern home extension. Hence, Blob was born.
The egg-shaped Blob combines two modern facets of design; compactness and mobility. It can actually serve as a full-time home with its small bathroom, and campsite-style hook-ups for water and electricity. The interior walls are lined with “curvi-linear” shelving units, providing ample storage for the occupant. The shelving units also help to keep the main floor space free from clutter.
The micro-home has 9 different layouts, which are created by opening or closing various doors and windows. These layouts allow an individual to customize the space according to the desired degree of privacy and security. For example when sleeping, or travelling the pod is completely closed up.
On one end, the pod can be opened up to the exterior, transforming it into a living room with grass for a carpet (or sand, depending on your location). Inside, you’ll find a compact bathroom behind a set of shelves, and a sleeping space is provided within the shelving units. Unusual but functional.
The Blob is only 20 square meters (215 square feet) in size, and its ability to open up to its surroundings prevents the space from feeling small and constricted. While it’s not built on a trailer it can be loaded onto a semi-truck and transported to a new location. Although, I almost expect it to take off into space.
UPDATE: After contacting the designer, I learned that this living pod has since been sold. It went for 30,000 Euros (approximately $40,500). The company that produced the pod are considering production, which should reduce the price, and make them more affordable.
For more unusual tiny houses check out the Hermit House by Daniël Venneman and Mark van der Net, or this sleek, organic-looking tiny house from Sweden. See all tiny houses.
Via Trendir
So Cooool! Ingenious design.
A wonder how this is climate controlled, and is there an RV style kitchen available?
What is the price on this?
Hey Shain, I emailed the designer who told me that this model sold for 30,000 Euros (about $40,500!)
Mic – There was no mention of an RV style kitchen, but I don’t see why it couldn’t be included. The company that produced this model are considering production, in which case they might allow customization of the pods.