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Niall Burke

Nov 17, 2014 • Tiny House

Tiny Houses by Matt Garcia – Llano Exit Strategy

Tiny Houses - Ilano Exit Strategy - Matt Garcia - Texas - Exterior - Humble Homes

This series of tiny houses have been designed by Matt Garcia on the behalf of four couples seeking to escape city life. Called the “Llano Exit Strategy”, the micro-housing project is situated on a plot along the Llano River. Each tiny house was built on a budget of just $40,000.

Tiny Houses - Llano Exit Strategy - Matt Garcia - Texas - Exterior - Humble Homes

The families purchased the plot with the intention of building a shared house. However, after reading up on the tiny house movement, it was decided that smaller, individual houses and a shared building would be more suitable. The project consists of four tiny houses, which provide a private space for each family. A fifth building acts as a shared area for cooking, dining and group activities.

Tiny Houses - Llano Exit Strategy - Matt Garcia - Texas - Bedroom - Humble Homes

The cabins are 350 square foot in size (32.5 square meters), and each was customized to the needs of the owners. They all have an open plan layout featuring large windows to draw in natural light, and allowing the inhabitants to look out over the river.

Tiny Houses - Llano Exit Strategy - Matt Garcia - Texas - Living Room and Storage - Humble Homes

To combat the Texan climate, the houses are insulated with spray foam and have large roof overhangs that reduce heat gain during the day. Rainwater run-off from the roof is collected and stored in large cisterns for later use. On the inside they’ve use plywood both structurally to brace the building, as well a finish material.

Tiny Houses - Llano Exit Strategy - Matt Garcia - Texas - Study  - Humble Homes

Towards the front of the cabins you’ll find the living area, this is followed by the bedroom, behind which there’s the bathroom. It’s a simple but effect design, finished with polished concrete floors and fir plywood walls. The overall effect is that of a warm, comfortable home.

Tiny Houses - Llano Exit Strategy - Matt Garcia - Texas - Bathroom - Humble Homes

In the bathroom they’ve included some recycled and re-purposed materials, like the towel rails, and toilet paper holders, which have been fashioned from pipe. Each of the houses were completed within the $40,000 budget. Not bad for a relatively low-impact, environmental home.

For more tiny houses check out this World War 2 bunker that’s been converted to a tiny holiday home. Or, these rustic Shepherd’s Huts from Canadian company Gute. See all tiny houses.

Via Inhabitat
Photos: Alex Stross

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